Thanks for dropping by. My name is Keith Fallon and I’m a Master Dog Trainer and Canine Behaviourist.
A dog should be a pleasure to own, a source of fun , companionship, exercise (they will lways need a walk!) a trusted friend.
You should be able to:
- Take them for a walk in the park
- Let them run freely off the lead
- Be well behaved at home and around visitors
- Not cause distress to anyone or chase livestock or wildlife
I have :
- Worked with over 4,000 dogs and owners
- Appeared on BBC Countryfile looking at dogs that worry sheep
- Trained working dogs to work or for competition
Breeds I have worked with are too numerous to list but include:
- Chihuahua
- Maltese Terrier
- Staffordshire bull terriers
- Bulldogs
- Spaniels
- Labradors
- Golden retrievers
- Great dane
- Irish wolfhound
- Doge de Bordeaux
- Malinois
- German Shepherds
- Doberman
- Rottweilers
- Korthals Griffon
- Pointers
- Setters
- Dachsund
- Poodles and poodle crosses
- Whippets and Lurchers
Plus many rescue dogs from Spain, Romania and Greece
Classes, private lessons or home visits you will find information on these around the website
I am fully insured to provide these services.
Keith Fallon owner, Master Dog Trainer & Canine Behaviourist